Nóvember | The last leaves

Föstudagsmyndin: Nú standa flest lauftré nakin, en nóvember var einstaklega mildur. Myndirnar eru úr Öskjuhlíðinni, en það er ljúft að flýja jólaös og laumast þar um í góðu veðri. Gleðilega fullveldishátíð og jólaföstu framundan!

Friday photo: November was nice – I have at least forgotten all about the bad weather. A stroll in Öskjuhlíð park is wonderful this time of year. Facing south with trees and bushes of all sorts, this park is always a little less cold than the more open areas closer to the sea.
Also: Today, December 1st, we celebrate Iceland’s Sovereignty day, even had a bit of sunshine! Happy December!

Ljósmyndir teknar | Photo date: 28.11.2023

Fyrsti desember | Strong winds

FullveldisdagurÉg óska landsmönnum öllum til hamingju með daginn og vona að Ísland megi sem lengst standa undir nafni sem frjáls og fullvalda ríki. Vonandi má líka fagna því að ný ríkisstjórn tók til starfa í gær eftir langa mæðu. Það hefur sannarlega gustað hressilega í kringum stjórnmálin og reyndar ólíklegt að það verði einhver lognmolla yfir starfi nýrrar stjórnar. En vonandi ná mikilvæg mál góðum byr.

This Friday – a day of celebration: On 1 December 1918 Iceland gained independence from Denmark with the signing of the Act of Union with Denmark. The Act recognized Iceland as an independent state under the Danish crown and independence is celebrated this day every year. Also today: a new government signed a coalition agreement yesterday, after a long period of political imbalance. A certain thing to celebrate is a young and bright female prime minister: Katrín Jakobsdóttir – and two other Left-Green ministers governing Ministry of Health and  Ministry of Environment: Svandís Svavarsdóttir and Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson. Strong winds have blown around the new government but hopefully will all good matters of importance get favorable winds. I wish them well!

Myndband tekið | Video date: 17.08.2017